Newfoundland: Expedition Under Way!
We departed Narragansett, RI on the R/V Endeavor at noon on Tuesday, 15 July. After transiting through the Cape Cod Canal and passing Provincetown, MA, we set a course for the southeastern tip of the Grand Banks, where we planned to begin our survey.
During Wednesday, 16 July, we got updates on Tropical Storm Bertha, which was predicted to be near our planned location with potential 50 knot winds at the time of our first deployment. We decided to alter our original plan, and instead of going to the SE tip of the Grand Banks, we decided to begin our transect at the SW edge of the banks. This will have us cross some of the historic fishing grounds, including Green Bank. So we've altered our course and are now steaming to a point about 50 miles south of Sable Island, off the coast of Nova Scotia.
On Friday, 18 July, we plan to deploy our vehicles to begin the Grand Banks transect toward Cape Race, Newfoundland. That way, if Bertha comes near, we will be close to shore and can get out of harms way. After completing the second transect, we intend to work inside Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, and continue the survey work and archaeological exploration.
Dwight Coleman
Chief Scientist