
Newfoundland: Grand Banks Transect Complete

Trawler marks on the seafloorWe have completed our first Grand Banks transect and have completed  several other surveys around off Cape Race, on the southeast tip of  Newfoundland. Now we are continuing our survey to the west, along the  coast in relatively shallow water, where many suspected shipwrecks are located, off Mistaken Point and Freshwater Point, near the approaches to Trepassey Bay. 

So far we have found a few likely shipwrecks and dozens of other targets of interest. The plan is to continue our surveying along a westward transect toward the south end of the Burin Peninsula, west of Placentia Bay, then end the project with a few days of work inside Placentia Bay. There we intend to rendezvous with the  Marine Institute's research vessel, Anne Pierce, and their researchers who are studying deep coral communities using a ROV. 

Immersion Program: 
JASON Learning: A Partnership of Sea Research Foundation and National Geographic