
Mike Brennan

Ph.D. Student, University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography

Mike Brennan graduated from Bowdoin College in 2004 with a double major in Anthropology and Geology and a minor in Classical  Archaeology. He has participated in multiple excavations in Belize, Greece, Italy, and New England. Since 2002, he has worked on the Maax Na Archaeological Project in northern Belize, where he is also  conducting his masters research on Maya limestone use and geochemical  analysis.

Mike is currently working on the Black Sea project for the Institute for Archaeological Oceanography, which is the focus of his dissertation. Research interests include  geoarchaeology, ceramic petrography, mineralogy, karst geology, hydrothermal deposits, micromorphology, Black Sea geology, historic Rhode Island cemeteries, and Maya, Minoan, Egyptian, Japanese and Chinese cultures.

JASON Learning: A Partnership of Sea Research Foundation and National Geographic