Professor Daniel M. Master

Assistant Director to the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon.
Archaeologist to the Ashkelon Deep Water Survey and Excavation team.
Assistant Professor of Archaeology Wheaton College
Current Research Projects
- Publication of the results from the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon
- Publication of Wheaton College's expedition to Tel Dothan, West Bank supported by 2002-2004 White-Levy Grant for archaeological publication.
- Petrographic examination of 7th Century Trade in Southern Levant
- Investigation of shipwrecks in the Deep Water of the Eastern Mediterranean
Recent Publications
- May, 2003, "Trade and Politics: Ashkelon's Balancing Act in the Seventh Century BCE," Bulletin of American Schools of Oriental Research 330:1-17.
- April 2002, Daniel Master & Patrick McGovern (University of Pennsylvania) "Results of a Chemical and Petrographic Examination of Artifacts from the 1999 Ashkelon Deep Water Survey." Second MIT Conference on Technology, Archaeology and the Deep Sea, Massachusetts Institute for Technology, April 26-28.
- April 2002, Ballard, Robert D., Lawrence E. Stager, Daniel M. Master, Dana Yoerger, David Mindell, Louis L. Whitcomb, Hanumant Singh and Dennis Piechota, "Iron Age Shipwrecks in Deep Water off Ashkelon, Israel," American Journal of Archaeology.
- 2001, "State Formation Theory and Kingdom of ancient Israel," Journal of Near Eastern Studies 60 (2): 117-131